

  • 性质: 社会责任验厂
  • 品牌: KIABI凯家衣
  • 价格:
  • 备注:

                                                       KIABI Compliance Document Checklist 凯家衣验厂辅导文件清单

  1. Businesslicense 营业执照

  2. Factoryfloor plan 工厂平面图

  3. Factoryrules and regulations 厂规厂纪

  4. Employeehandbook 员工手册

  5. Employmentcontract 劳动合同

  6. Employees’personnel records & Name list 人事登记表\员工花名册

  7. Recruitmentprocedure 人事招聘流程

  8. Policyand procedure for remediation of child labor 童工拯救程序

  9. Healthexamination report and registration for juvenile worker 未成年工人体检记录和备案登记

  10. Healthexamination report of the workers who exposed to hazardous workingenvironment (if applicable) 危险工作环境工人的体检记录

  11. Localofficial minimum wage document 当地最低工资标准文件

  12. Payrollrecords/Time records/Production records for past 12 months最近12个月的工资、考勤及生产记录:

Ø  Time card/attendance record 考勤记录

Ø  Payroll record工资记录

Ø  Piece rate worker production record/Piece rate wages calculation record计件工人的生产记录\计件工资计算记录

Ø  Pay slip 工资条

Ø  Wages deduction/fines record 扣款\罚款记录

Ø  Leave application/record 休假申请\记录

  1. SocialSecurity Insurance Certificate/ Payment Records 社会保险缴费单\支付记录

  2. Tradeunion & Worker representative committee document/meeting minutes 工会&员工代表大会文件\会议记录

  3. Kitchen/canteenhygiene certificate 食堂卫生许可证

  4. Kitchen/canteenstaff health certificate 食堂工作人员健康证

  5. Factorysafety records 工厂安全文件

Ø  Building structure safety license 建筑结构安全证书

Ø  Building fire safety license 建筑消防证书

Ø  Health and safety committee organization chart/procedure 健康安全委员会组织架构图\程序

Ø  Work related injury accident record/procedure 工伤记录\程序

Ø  Special equipment (boiler, elevator, forklift, etc.)  permit/certification 特种设备(锅炉 \电梯\叉车)检验许可文件

Ø  Operator’s license for special type of work (boiler, elevator, forklift, electrician, etc.) 特种设备(锅炉 \电梯\叉车)操作人员操作许可证

Ø  Hazardous substance list (if applicable) 危险物质清单 (如适用)

Ø  Hazardous materials disposal record (if applicable)危险废弃物处理记录 (如适用)

  1. Environmentinspection report 环境评估报告

  2. Environmentemergency procedure/Environment policy 环境应急预案\环境政策

  3. Airquality/Noise test report(if applicable) 空气质量\噪音检测报告

  4. Energysurvey record 能源使用情况调查

  5. Energyefficiency plan 节能减排计划

  6. Dischargepermit (for waste water, air emission, open burning, etc.) 排放许可证(污水、废气、露天燃烧等)

  7. Socialcompliance policy社会责任政策

  8. Procedureof monitoring subcontractor’s social compliance performance 对分包商的社会责任状况监督程序

  9. Communicationprocedure and documents communicate with all interested parties 与所有利益相关方沟通的程序和文件

  10. Policyof anti-corruption/anti-bribery for all business activities 反腐败\反贿赂政策

  11. Trainingrecords培训记录:

Ø  Emergency evacuation & Fire drill records 紧急疏散及消防演习

Ø  First aid training record 急救培训

Ø  Chemical training record 化学品培训

Ø  Machinery safety training record 机器安全培训

Ø  Health and safety training record 健康安全培训

Ø  Others (if applicable) 其它(如适用)

  1. Disciplinaryrecord/Warning letter( if applicable) 纪律处分记录\警告信 (如适用)

  2. Brokeragreement for recruitment (if applicable) 工厂与人才公司之招聘协议-劳务派遣(如适用)